Saturday, February 25, 2012

Sorry for hibernating for so long...wait..almost a year? You must be kidding me...

I had problem with the blog since the past almost a year, I could not publish my I saved most of it, and decided to publish only one because after reading back some the draft, they sound so stupid that I feel so ashamed to publish them hahahah

Chehh apa keja aku skeaping neh...hahaha belasah jer lah (ayat kasar bila iman tipis)

Buat masa sekarang, aku tengah bercuti tanpa gaji, sedang berkira-kira nak resign aje despite some comment made especially by my mother, "apa belajar tinggi2 tapi jadi housewife jek?"...

So, first of all, aku decide dengan sepenuh hati demi anak-anak, I want to be a SAHM (stay-at-home-mother)...I don't think it's a low-class job, in fact it is a huge responsibility of which I don't think I can exchange it with any career or profession in this world...I'm not saying the working moms are irresponsible, it is just that working in KL (traffic, safety, society, overtime bla bla bla), nasty bosses (boss berdaulat dan tidak berdaulat) suck my energy and time (you don't say?) with my kids...

My kids need their parents..let my husband be the main breadwinner...

Pasal tu la sekarang aku berjinak-jinak dengan bisnes kain batik dan kebaya dah sekarang. Rasanya bukan aku sorang je buat, ramai lagi mak-mak di Kl dan Putrajaya di luar sana yang telah membuat keputusan yang akan aku putuskan dalam beberapa bulan lagi, aku still on unpaid leave, so not officially resign huhuhu)...

Kedua...nanti-nanti la aku cerita sikit-sikit...

Biarlah aku miskin duit gaji sendiri, asalkan anak-anak kaya masa dengan mak dorang, sebab bapak dorang pun keje jenis asyik kuar berminggu-minggu berbulan-bulan huhuhu


  1. Assalamualaikum kak,

    Allow me to follow your blog. Opsss, I've already following you....

    Surirumah adalah kerja yang terbaek! Walaupun sy bukan surirumah tapi sy byk belajr dari seseorang yng bergelar ibu....

  2. Waalaikumussalam wbt...
    alhamdulillah...semoga berbaloi dunia akhirat hendaknya

  3. iye Mr Anon...i think i know who u r..
